Our Philosophy

Focusing on each and every child's needs and abilities.

Children’s uniqueness is not just worthy of respect and acceptance; Most importantly it is the starting point for their development. We provide the emotional safety net that children need to become independent, confident and empathetic human beings. By encouraging our children to develop a sense of responsibility not only for themselves but also for others, we help them feel and act as members of a community.

Teamwork makes the Dreamwork

In our small groups children build their first relationships away from their families. They learn to interract, recognize and handle their feelings and cooperate. Our school provides space and opportunities for everyone to be heard and therefore learn how to listen, for everyone to express their thoughts and emotions and therefore learn to accept diversity, for everyone to support others and therefore learn how to ask and accept help and support.

Learning how to learn

Who said that a learning voyage can’t be fun, interesting and adventurous? Combining children’s insatiable curiosity with our spiral curriculum, we help our students conquer knowledge in a life-derived way, through trial and error. The teacher and the school framework support and coordinate the children’s self-motivated effort to learn more about themselves, others and the environment around them.

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